If you are making a connection to a NEORSD sewer, you are still required to get a permit from the community in which you are connecting.
NEORSD does not maintain laterals.
For connections that re-use existing laterals:
The existing lateral(s) to be used shall be inspected by video camera, and a copy of the video shall be submitted to the NEORSD for review and approval prior to the connection(s) being made. Upon review of the videotape by the NEORSD, if the existing lateral needs to be cleaned and/or repaired, the work shall be performed at no cost to the NEORSD prior to the connections being made.
- The laterals shall be re-inspected after the cleaning and/or repair and a copy of the video shall be submitted to the NEORSD for review and approval prior to the connection being made. All laterals not approved for use shall be abandoned.
- The contractor shall provide a watertight connection to the existing lateral and encase the connection in concrete.
- The owner shall warrant that the connection will be watertight for a period of one year.
- The contractor is responsible for any and all damage to the sewer as determined by the NEORSD.
- The contractor shall prevent any debris from entering the sewer. Any debris entering the sewer shall be removed by the contractor.
- The contractor is responsible for obtaining any and all permits required for the work.
- The Engineer shall provide an “as-built” drawing of the connection upon on completion of the work.
- A 72-hour notice shall be provided to Maintenance Services – Technical Support at permits@neorsd.org to schedule an NEORSD inspector for the connection.
For new connections to an NEORSD sewer, substitute the following for the first two bullet points:
- The contractor shall provide pre-construction and post-construction video inspection of the existing sewer showing footage measurement from either the upstream or the downstream manhole and extending a minimum of twenty feet past the connection points. The former shall be submitted to the NEOSRD for approval.
- The connection shall be made through a properly sized cored hole. If the connection is to a reinforced concrete or vitrified clay pipe then the lateral shall be connected to the sewer using a manufactured boot that makes a watertight connection. If the connection is to a brick sewer then the lateral shall be connected by wrapping a waterstop material such as a Volclay RX101 or equal around the lateral, 2 wraps minimum in accordance with the attached detail. If waterstop material is used, the annular space between the sewer wall and the lateral shall be filled with hydraulic cement. Either type of connection shall then be encased in concrete.