As new users of SagesGov, it can be difficult to know how to respond to a File Request, a Disapproval or how to submit a Revision after the Permit has been issued. See the terms below for helpful hints.
How to respond in SagesGov:
- File Request – Request from Greene County for additional files or information during the review process. File Request are not valid during a Disapproval.
- Resubmit – Response to a Disapproval or a Phased Approval. Go to your project and click on Resubmit Project/Case (middle left of screen). You will be prompted to go through the application and proceed to upload new files, revise files or delete files and then submit.
- Revisions – Start a Revision Application to a project ONLY AFTER a permit has been Issued.
Other Helpful Hints:
- Sages accepts PDF format files ONLY. Word documents should be saved as a pdf. Jpegs should be inserted into a word document then saved as a PDF.
- Sages will not accept password protected files.
- Sages Applications do not accept comas, dollar signs or decimals when entering area or dollar amounts.
- Sages requires an email address for all contacts on the application.
Coming soon to Greene County Building Regulation:
We will be discontinuing the Mailchimp emails. Any new announcements will be posted on the home page in SagesGov or Greene County Building Regulation Website.
Thank you!
For announcements & general information
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Web site
Click [] for SagesGov Scheduling Inspections Instructions and SagesGov New User Account instructions
PHONE: (937) 562-7420
667 Dayton-Xenia Road, Xenia, Ohio 45385